Legal Crow - Justice Begins Here


Contempt of Court in India

Contempt of Court is any conduct that tends to bring the authority and administration of law into disrespect or disregard or to interfere with or prejudice parties or their witnesses during litigation. Categories of...


Professional Ethics for Lawyers

Rules on the professional standards that an advocate needs to maintain are mentioned in Chapter II, Part VI of the Bar Council of India Rules. These rules have been placed there under section 49(1)(c)...


Seven Lamps of Advocacy

807views Seven Lamps of Advocacy Advocacy is an honourable profession. Advocates are part and parcel of Court. Their efforts solve the conflicts in the society. Advocates defend the rights and liabilities. They hold unique...


Civil and Criminal Cases Can Proceed Simultaneously

Following are few case laws and citations which will help you to fight your case if you come across simultaneous Civil and Criminal proceedings. ———————————————————————– Citations and Case Laws for Reference: ———————————————————————– — 1 — Similarly,...